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Let’s see! Let’s see the Great Form!

and I played long silences and sustained chords in

the midseason of Death.

in my birthday

in my birthday

called to be and conform a perfect pitch, a

frequency of ecstasy / a closed alley.

Certain, my life, until now, was carefully

constructed/ amid the dry season

in those towns where sunset and goats melt


Certain, my life, until now, was hearing. Just hearing:

Let’s see the Great Form!

-Goodbye, little form! –that was said by Van der Keuken

to his only real child- And then came the silence.

In my birthday

I played with Helmholtz. We used these

weird synthesizer and we explore the tides of


Let’s see! –they shout- Let’s see the Great Form!

Yes, and we played by one hour. Sounds. Just

hearing, in those towns where sunset and

goats melt together.

       I know happiness is a concept

and I played long silences and sustained chords in

the midseason of Death.

You came to me, and the trees were opened

and a swimming pool, empty,

was suddenly flooded with sunflowers.

            I have a photograph to prove it!

The pain.


Die Welt.

Unbearable weight/of stars

          in my shoulders!

And, as you’ll remember, I was still playing

when the quasar became goddess, Yes.

      And you broke your father’s skull

      with a shining helmet and a shield.

Certain, my life, until now, was carefully

constructed amid the dry season

but I was blind

I didn’t see the Others. The Ones who shout:

Let’s see the Great Form!

There were frequencies in a screen,

      music-translation of noises and anger,

  as a matter of fact, the translation of future.

I was playing my future. That night. With Helmholtz.

      Unbearable weight of stars

     -my crown, buried in the moss-

      your body –shining in my memoy-

                -How can I ERASE Die Welt-

All that is written in forms

became life.

We generate sounds extracted from the

bones of forgotten shipwrecks.

                  cracking of the woods

                  bamboo trees in my brain

           can you heard them?

Something is missing/cut away/wild hogs

                                                          eat these


In my birthday

I walked through the Mind’s forest.

But returned

for some reason

to see the oscillating frequencies

                 -their echo-

       and I saw you, shouting:

Let’s see the Great Form! (in the eternal assemblage of bodies)

       Timeless factory of pain

I called you by your secret name

       -a name made of rocks and sea-

Nobody answer             –their echo-

in my birthday. I recall

             happiness is a concept

extracted from the bones of forgotten shipwrecks.

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